Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for President and Vice President, respectively

Your Next President Kamala Harris’s To-Do List

A few hours ago, Kamala Harris post­ed this to her Facebook page:

Trump has an ene­mies list. I have a to-do list.

Vice President Kamala Harris

I like that a lot, and it sure feels accu­rate — she’s been cam­paign­ing on pos­i­tive things she will do to solve real prob­lems Americans are fac­ing, while Trump is cam­paign­ing on fear, fear, fear — of immi­grants, of lib­er­als, of who­ev­er he needs to throw under the bus to rile up his base.

What does Harris’s to-do list look like? I’m glad you asked!

Image of Kamala Harris's to-do list, transcribed below

I’m shar­ing the image from Facebook so you can share it eas­i­ly if you’d like, but here is the list in text for those who need it:

  • Cut tax­es for more than 100 mil­lion Americans.
  • Strengthen Medicare and pro­tect Social Security. 
  • Work with pri­vate sec­tor to build 3 mil­lion new homes to increase hous­ing sup­ply and bring down costs.
  • Pass the bipar­ti­san bor­der secu­ri­ty bill to strength­en and secure our border.
  • Restore repro­duc­tive freedom.
  • Legalize recre­ation­al marijuana.
  • Cap the cost of insulin at $35 per month and pre­scrip­tion drug costs at $2,000 a year for all Americans.
  • Expand Medicare to cov­er home care for seniors and peo­ple with disabilities.
  • Protect and strength­en the Affordable Care Act.
  • Promote com­mon sense gun safe­ty laws to pro­tect Americans from gun violence.
  • Invest in American man­u­fac­tur­ing and clean energy.
  • Expand the start­up tax deduc­tion for small busi­ness by 10x to $50,000.
  • Give fam­i­lies a $6,000 tax cred­it dur­ing the first year of their child’s life.
  • Pass the first-ever fed­er­al ban on cor­po­rate price goug­ing on food and groceries.
  • And more.

Isn’t that refresh­ing? No rant­i­ng. No rav­ing. No scape­goat­ing. No hate. Just a list of things that Kamala Harris wants to imple­ment to see very real, very pos­i­tive changes in as many American lives as possible.

Electing Kamala Harris to defeat Trump is one thing, but let’s not for­get to elect Kamala Harris for the American people!

And hey, while we’re at it, let’s give her a Democrat-major­i­ty House and Senate to work with so that her agen­da isn’t gridlocked!

Early vot­ing is open now, and Election Day is right around the cor­ner — where has October even gone??

Let’s get this done, friends. Vote! (Every elec­tion, every time!)

Fayette County Democrats
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