November 7, 2024, Central Committee Minutes


NOVEMBER 7, 2024


Chairlady Sheila Sturgeon called the meet­ing to order. Vice Chairman Terry Sturgeon led The Pledge to the Flag. Secretary Diane Rose called roll call. Seventeen precinct com­mit­tee per­sons and three guest present.

October min­utes were read. Brian Gilbert made a motion to accept the min­utes as read; Wanda Fisher sec­ond­ed; motion car­ried. Treasurer Mike Melville report­ed we had $2,194.86 in check­ing account and $54.79 in gam­ing as of 11 – 7‑2024. Gary Ruf made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report; Jay Halveland sec­ond­ed; motion carried.

Mary Anne Morris asked why we have the dol­lar amount of check­ing on the web­site? This was dis­cussed but NO motion was made but was decid­ed to have the sec­re­tary to do the high­lights of the min­utes for the web­site with no amounts. Those present all agreed.

All del­e­gate fees have been paid except for Carol Russell pay­ing for hers. Jay Halveland made a motion when some­one files to be a del­e­gate for state con­ven­tion they must pay right off; Harold Gordon sec­ond­ed; motion car­ried. The offi­cers of the par­ty are auto­mat­ic, and they must pay even though they do not go. Amanda Melville made a motion to reim­burse the Women’s Club the $175 for the del­e­gate fee; Melinda Sudhoff sec­ond­ed; motion carried.

· Election-Diane Rose report­ed Jacki Hill and her vot­ed 5,011 absen­tee ear­ly vot­ing at courthouse.

· Women’s meet­ing November 14 @ 7 pm

· Men’s meet­ing November 21 @ 7 pm

· Winterfest is Friday December 6 from 3:30 pm‑8:30 pm and Saturday December 7 from 12:30 pm‑8:30 pm. Donna Ruf asked if we want­ed to sell hot choco­late, cof­fee, and desserts. This was dis­cussed and Amanda Melville made a motion to sell hot choco­late, cof­fee, and desserts; Wanda Fisher sec­ond­ed; motion carried.


Vice Chairman Terry Sturgeon report­ed he has been check­ing into him being able to make motions. He is allowed to make motions. Also’ the vice chair and trea­sur­er does not have to set at the table with chair and secretary.

Thank you to those who sent let­ters to strong and lean­ing Democrats.


January 2025 the trea­sur­er of the Central Committee will be tak­ing mon­ey for Central Committee fundraisers.

NO CHRISTMAS DINNER get togeth­er. We will have a meet­ing December 5.

We need to start get­ting young peo­ple to come and join us. Amanda Melville spoke up about when her and Mike first start­ed with the Democrats, she felt she was being judged and still sort of feels that way now. Amanda sug­gest­ed we have a spe­cial meet­ing and basi­cal­ly dis­cuss the Mission Statement. No date was set.

The Vice Chairman Sturgeon thanked Chairlady Sturgeon for what she has done sine she has been in office.

Jay Halveland made a motion to adjourn; Dale Strong sec­ond­ed; motion car­ried. Adjourned at 8:11 pm.

Respectively sub­mit­ted by

Elva Diane Rose

Secretary of the Fayette County Democratic Central Committee Party

Fayette County Democrats
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