
Our party’s strength lies in advanc­ing our Democratic plat­form and forg­ing pos­i­tive solu­tions that include everyone. 

  • As Democrats, we believe every per­son in this coun­ty, this state, and this nation deserves to be treat­ed with dig­ni­ty and respect.
  • We believe that health­care is a right for all and that the hard work of mid­dle-class fam­i­lies should be rewarded.
  • We believe our schools and streets should be free from gun violence.
  • We believe that a woman’s deci­sions about her own body are hers to make.
  • We believe that we should have the free­dom of reli­gion with fear of retribution.
  • We believe that we should be able to love who we love.

We are work­ing togeth­er to build a bright future for Fayette County. We are fight­ing for the soul of our coun­try, the heart of our democ­ra­cy, and America’s place as the land of oppor­tu­ni­ty for all.


Districts are set accord­ing to local Ordinance 2021 – 13.

Commissioner Districts

County Council Districts

Voting Precincts

Each precinct has its own chair and vice chair­per­son who are respon­si­ble for reach­ing out to poten­tial vot­ers for the pur­pos­es of keep­ing reg­is­tered vot­ers engaged and encour­ag­ing new vot­er registrations.

Men’s Club

The men’s club meets on the third Thursdays of the month. The men host a Saturday morn­ing break­fast once a month, most months, for $6 that is open to every­body and is all-you-can-eat while the food lasts.

Annual men’s club dues: $10, due at the begin­ning of the year.


Gary Ruf, Chairman

Jay Haveland, Vice Chairman

Ed Herrall, Secretary/​Treasurer

Fayette County Democrats
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